5 best Minecraft Roleplay Servers (2022)
Find the best Minecraft roleplay servers in this convenient list. All mentioned servers have been tested and confirmed as top quality!
Minecraft is one of the most popular games in the world, but it's also an easy game to get bored with.
If you're playing Minecraft and getting tired of the same old thing, there are a few different things you can do to spice up your gameplay. One way is by playing on a roleplaying server!
There are tons of different types of roleplay servers out there - from medieval villages to futuristic space colonies - so no matter what kind of story or setting you're looking for, this article will provide the perfect Minecraft roleplaying server for it.
Top 5 best Minecraft servers for roleplaying
1.) Mox MC Roleplay
IP Address: moxmc.net
Mox MC is a popular Minecraft roleplay server that has several different roleplay worlds, each with a unique theme and lore to it. You can, of course, select whatever roleplay world appeals to you the most and jump right in!
Furthermore, this server is known to provide a wide range of character creation options. All of the interactive roleplaying worlds are also immersive and provide a sense of community that other servers just cannot offer.
IP Address: moxmc.net
2.) Roleplay Hub
IP Address: prisonchaotic.ddns.net
This server is one of the best Minecraft roleplay servers ever created. Unlike many other servers, it focuses solely on roleplay and has a variety of features to help enhance the roleplay experience.
There are lots of different roleplay themes on the Roleplay Hub server. From Fantasy RP to City-life simulations, this roleplay server has it all and is definitely a good choice for anyone to try out.
IP Address: prisonchaotic.ddns.net
3.) MC Prison RP
IP Address: prisonfun.com
MC Prison is a highly popular Minecraft roleplay server. In this server you will play as an inmate, with the goal of escaping from a Minecraft prison through clever means or brute force.
Uponing joining, you can instantly find players also roleplaying as inmates and guards. If your prison break goes awry and one of these player guards catches you, then it's time for a visit to solitary confinement.
Often times these visits will be followed by other punishments such as hard labor in the mines, or solitary confinement again! All in all, this is a super fun server to play for anyone looking for some roleplay action.
IP Address: prisonfun.com
4.) School RP
IP Address: prisonfun.com
School is a popular Roleplay server for Minecraft where players roleplay as students in a school based in a rural Japanese city. The school is completely run by the players. Players start as new students, but with enough playtime can progress through the grades and eventually become teachers, teaching other students in the school.
There's tonnes of fun content to experience on this server and players can even design and personalize their own high school character, make new friends in the school, go on dates, and generally just be the persona they've always wanted to be in a classic high school setting.
IP Address: prisonfun.com
5.) Purple Ore
IP Address: purpleore.net
The Purple Ore Minecraft Roleplay Server is quite different than others out there. It offers a unique experience with its large community, extensive roleplay environment, and custom character personalization features.
In terms of gameplay, the theme of this server features a story of an alien invasion on Earth. The server doesn't take itself too seriously and attracts a perfect mix of fun-loving people to socialize with!
Also featuring a discord server of 50,000 friendly members, this server is particularly great if you're looking to make new friends.